Make Money Online COPYWRITING Your Copywriter Portfolio: How to Build It and 3 Stellar Examples

Your Copywriter Portfolio: How to Build It and 3 Stellar Examples

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Your copywriter portfolio is one of the most important tools in your marketing toolkit. It’s a way to show off your skills and experience, and it can help you land new clients.

But how do you build a great copywriter portfolio? And what should you include?

Here are three tips for creating an awesome copywriter portfolio:

1. Start with your best work.

When you’re putting together your portfolio, start with your best work. This is the stuff that you’re most proud of, and it’s the work that will make the best impression on potential clients.

2. Tell a story.

Your portfolio should tell a story. Each project should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. And each project should illustrate a different skill or ability that you have.

3. Use case studies.

Case studies are a great way to show off your skills. They let you tell the story of a specific project, and they show how you helped a client achieve their goals.

Now that you know how to build a great copywriter portfolio, let’s take a look at three stellar examples.

1. The Copywriter’s Portfolio

The Copywriter’s Portfolio is a great example of a simple, straightforward portfolio. It’s easy to navigate, and it includes a brief bio and a list of skills.

2. The Freelance Copywriter

The Freelance Copywriter is a great example of a portfolio that tells a story. It includes case studies and project descriptions, and it’s easy to navigate.

3. The Content Marketing Agency

The Content Marketing Agency is a great example of a portfolio that includes case studies, project descriptions, and client testimonials. It’s also easy to navigate, and it’s mobile-friendly.

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