Make Money Online LEAD GENERATION Where to Find Free MLM Leads

Where to Find Free MLM Leads

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If your are just starting out in network marketing, the need to find free MLM leads is critical. It would be great if everyone started out with a thousand dollar per month advertising budget, but the reality is most are living paycheck to paycheck. The good news is that there are many no cost lead generation techniques that can be implemented immediately. These are proven strategies that many online marketers have used to build very profitable online businesses.

My favorite resource for anyone new to online marketing is social media. Social media involves the use of such sites as Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and Twitter. Social media sites are designed for interpersonal connections amongst people. On these sites you can post information about your business, your hobbies, interests and other items of personal relevance. The powerful thing about social media is that it is a global connection point. A person could set up a Facebook account today and in a matter of weeks have hundreds if not thousands of connections from around the world, with just a few hours a day invested. With Twitter, a micro-blogging service, those connections can build even faster. When using social media, you want to look for people who share a common interest in home business, entrepreneurship, network marketing, etc… These are people who are already passionate about being their own boss and they are usually open to finding new ways of building their business. These people are also more likely take a look at your MLM opportunity, simply out of curiosity if for no other reason.

My next favorite hunting ground for free MLM leads is article marketing. An article is simply a piece of content, just like this one, that contains approximately 400-700 words related to a niche topic. Articles are usually built around a key word or phrase that embodies the concept for which you are targeting leads. For example if you were targeting people who are seeking opportunities to work from home, you might write an article with the title: “Locating a Great Work From Home Opportunity.” Once the article is written, it is then submitted to multiple online article directories. These directories are depositories of content. These directories are frequented by people who are looking for content to add to their blog or e-zine. These directories are also frequented by people who are searching for information related to a particular topic. There are many good article submission programs that will automatically submit your article to directories across the internet. Here is the real beauty of article marketing. That piece of content now remains in cyberspace for years to come, pointing back to your website. The search engines also take note that the article is pointing back to your website, which boosts your search rankings on sites like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Another amazing tool for finding free network marketing leads is through the use of video marketing. Video marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools on the planet, because it puts a face with the message. When you combine that with the massive amount of traffic that visits a site like Youtube, which receives over 1 billion visits per day, it becomes obvious why this is a must use strategy for generating free leads. Video marketing allows your audience to connect with you in ways that no other online marketing platform allows. They can see your facial expressions, your mannerisms and the passion that you bring to your message. Once again you are also able to link your video back to your website, providing yet another online billboard for the search engines to take notice of. There are many top internet marketers, including Cedrick Harris and Nicole Cooper, who have utilized this strategy almost exclusively with amazing results. Just as you would with an article, base your video on a target key word, phrase or concept. Keep your video in the one to two minute range for optimum results.

A lack of money should never be a reason for a lack of leads. By implementing these no cost strategies, you should have no problem generating free MLM leads.

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