Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC Where Photographers Should Post Their Photos in 2022

Where Photographers Should Post Their Photos in 2022

Where Photographers Should Post Their Photos in 2022 post thumbnail image

In 2022, photographers will have to Post Their Photos in a different place than they do now. There are many options and the decision can be difficult. The best place for Photographers to Post Their Photos in 2022 is on their own website.

Yes, there are plenty of other places where people can find your photos, but if you want to be in control of your work and where it’s seen, then you need to have your own website. You can still use social media to promote your website and drive traffic to it, but ultimately you want people to come to your site first and foremost. Here’s why:

You’re in control of the user experience

When someone comes to your website, you have the ability to control their entire experience. You can design the site however you want, including choosing what photos are featured prominently and how visitors navigate around. On social media platforms, you don’t have nearly as much control over how users interact with your content.

For example, Facebook has been known to make changes that directly impact how users see content from Pages they follow (including businesses). In 2018, they made a change that sent Page posts down the News Feed in favor of posts from friends and family members. As a result, many businesses saw a significant decrease in the reach of their Page posts.

If you’re relying on social media platforms to showcase your work, then you’re at their mercy when it comes to changes like this. But if you have your own website, then you don’t have to worry about algorithm changes or other factors beyond your control affecting how people see your work.

You own your audience

When someone follows you on social media or subscribes to your newsletter, there’s always a chance that platform will disappear or change in a way that impacts how people see your content. For example, Instagram has changed its algorithm multiple times over the past few years, resulting in decreased reach for many businesses and influencers who rely on the platform to reach their audience.

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