Make Money Online COPYWRITING When A Long Copy Falls Short

When A Long Copy Falls Short

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You’re about to discover the truth most minds reject. Naturally, this article is not for the faint of heart.

But I hope you learn the core teaching here. Contemplate upon the lesson. Use it in your business. Your business will prosper. You will live a better life than most people do. They work so hard for life, and never achieve more dreams they desire.

Let’s begin.

Pay attention.

This is probably an axiom you find it hard to swallow — “The harder you work, the harder you get what you ask for”

I’ve been telling my clients that they don’t need another long copy to sell to existing customers. Because they already have what it takes to create a shorter killer ‘situational’ copy. But more than 80% fail to listen.

Before I explain what ‘situational’ copy is, read the following statements.

“The harder you pitch your promotion, the harder you get sales”.

“The harder you emphasize on the testimonials, the harder you gain credibility”.

“The harder you call for action, the harder action will be taken seriously”.

If every statement is true to you, you should stop reading here. You’re smart.

If not, continue reading this article.

I once wrote 3-paragraph offer for a client. It broke too many copywriting rules. This copy was meant to take advantage of the most current situation. But here’s the biggie…

There were little benefit-laden words. Because the prospects already knew what they want beforehand. My client didn’t need a single testimonial to prove his worth. And most important of all, the copy didn’t emphasize the call-for-action.

My client’s bank account simply exploded.

How did it work?

The ‘situational’ copy takes advantage of existing customer’s current belief, feeling, and desire on deeper level. It doesn’t need lots of work in persuasion. It is short and sweet.

This secret has been revealed over and over again. Not many people truly understand it. Take for example; look at how Jesus recruited Matthew as His follower.

What did he say? Just two words — “Follow me” (Matthew 9:9 – King James Version)

Jesus could have said, “Come, you’ll discover the gateway to heaven, and eternal life. I’ll enrich your life spiritually. I’ll wipe away your tears. Your sorrow will turn into joy… blah… blah… blah”

But he didn’t!


Because these three conditions had already been met. No, this isn’t a profanity. I vow this is true.

* Matthew, like most ‘old-testament’ believers, already wanted a Savior before the coming of Jesus. (The desire)

* Matthew had already heard of the miracles performed by Jesus. (The feeling)

* Jesus didn’t ask Matthew to believe him again. (The belief)

What does this imply?

If you already have a list of existing customers, you don’t need a long copy to promote another product to them. Because the harder you convince them, the harder you insult them. Why do that when you’ve already connected with your customers? You can take whatever you’ve already built, and manipulate it for your own gain.

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