Make Money Online KEYWORDS What is the MoneyWord Matrix?

What is the MoneyWord Matrix?

What is the MoneyWord Matrix? post thumbnail image

Almost every niche marketing related eBook or report I’ve read tells me how important it is to pick the right keywords and have them in the content of the websites I build.

Without these keywords your site will never show up in searches. I agree and have seen the difference in the amount of traffic my sites get when I do what the gurus tell me.

There are many ways to find the right keywords and there are many tools that help simplify and automate keyword research.

I’ve come across a niche marketing membership site that shows its members how to do keyword research. Keywords are imported and compared to what is called the MoneyWord Matrix. They explained the concept very well in their videos. After watching the video, members can immediately apply the techniques for finding keywords with good demand and little competition.

Although the keyword research method they present was easy to understand, I can see someone pulling their hair out trying to find hundreds of keywords in one sitting. To make this task easier, the MoneyWord Matrix is built into a piece of software members can install on their computer.

The MoneyWord Matrix rates keywords as Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor based on their demand and competition. I ran a list of keywords for a niche and wrote an article for a keyword that was rated as Excellent. My article showed up in the top ten of Google search results.

Unfortunately to use this piece of software, you have to continue your membership. However, there are alternative keyword tools that arrive at the same conclusion as the MoneyWord Matrix. These other tools just won’t rate the keywords you input as Excellent, Good, etc.

Copyright (c) Leroy Chan

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