Make Money Online FREELANCING What Is The Best Home Business Internet Marketing Opportunity?

What Is The Best Home Business Internet Marketing Opportunity?

What Is The Best Home Business Internet Marketing Opportunity? post thumbnail image

Working from home presents many benefits, including the ability to set your own schedule, the ability to make as much money as you want, and that’s not to mention the fact that you can take a vacation any time you want without having to ask a ‘boss’ for permission. You are your own boss when you work from home. But in order to actually stay home and work AND make money, you’re going to need a home business Internet marketing opportunity. The opportunity you choose should be quick-to-start and quick-to-earn. The best way to find an opportunity like that is to make your own. But how do you do that? Simple. You outsource.

Don’t Stop Reading the Moment You See the Word Outsource

Hold on here. Don’t just bolt because someone suggests that you outsource your work. If you are hesitant to outsource your work, I guarantee that I’m going to change your mind by the time you’re done reading this.

But I also figure that if you’re not outsourcing, it’s like that:

  • You’ve been burned before and you said “Never Again!” the last time some unscrupulous freelancer stole your money without producing real results.
  • You’re broke and thus don’t have money to pay a freelancer. Don’t worry. It’s not as expensive as you think, and it’s free to keep reading this post. Keep going and I’ll show you that it this home business Internet marketing opportunity doesn’t take much money at all to get started.
  • You’re unclear about exactly what a freelancer does. But again, don’t worry. By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll see that hiring someone to do the work for you not only makes sense, but paying a freelancer just represents good business practices.
  • You don’t know how to find an outsourcer…

You get the idea. If you’ve never outsourced before and even if you’ve been burned by freelancers in the past, you’ll start using them again, guaranteed. That’s because the right freelancer can take you from making no money at all to making some and even lots of money if you do things right.

But what do freelancers do? Now that you’re sort of on the fence about outsourcing, or maybe you’re already convinced by the terrific writing so far, it’s time to see what this home business Internet marketing opportunity is all about.

The Home Business Internet Marketing Opportunity That Is Quick, Easy and Lucrative as Hell

The best way to outsource is to have your freelancer or freelancing team do as much as possible. Thus, it would be ideal if the same team created your entire business from the bottom up. These are called niche marketing packages and let’s see how they work.

Depending on the type of niche marketing package you have your team create, you might get:

  • A Squeeze Page with Opt-In box and content that converts
  • Some squeeze pages may be video squeeze pages, that tell your prospects to opt-in
  • Free giveaways to entice prospects to give up their email addresses, such as a free e-book, e-report, video tutorial series, etc.
  • A Thank You page thanking your subscribers for signing up.
  • An Autoresponder Series that can be plugged-into platforms like Aweber and GetResponse.
  • Some of these autoresponders may be tutorials and some may be affiliate emails.
  • Articles and press releases and even videos to help promote the squeeze page and free offer.
  • And there’s plenty more than can be include in one of these complete niche marketing packages.

Of course, the product of all of this is going to be a highly-targeted email list in the niche you’ve chosen. So, when you hire the outsourcer or outsourcing team, you are hiring them to do all the research, all the keyword research, all the video production, the web design, the copywriting and graphic design that’s required to put one of these packages together.

If you were to put one of these packages together yourself, you would have to spend hours and hours. Instead, you pay a company once, you receive the completed package and you put it online. A good niche marketing package will have spots where you simply plug in all your links and the package should also come with instructions for how to publish and operate everything simply and easily.

And there you have it. That’s the best home business Internet marketing opportunity. Once you have a highly-targeted list, you can offer that list affiliate offers and you can even make your own products to sell. You simply need to make that list happy. The freelancers you’ve hired will do all the rest, and you’ll be free to just publish, go and earn.

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