Make Money Online AUTOMATION What is E-Commerce Testing | E-Commerce Website Automation With Selenium | LambdaTest

What is E-Commerce Testing | E-Commerce Website Automation With Selenium | LambdaTest

What is E-Commerce Testing | E-Commerce Website Automation With Selenium | LambdaTest post thumbnail image

What is E-Commerce Testing?

E-Commerce testing is the process of verifying that an online shopping application or website functions correctly. It includes testing for functionality, usability, and compatibility with various devices and browsers.

E-Commerce testing is critical for ensuring a positive customer experience. Poorly functioning e-commerce applications can cause customers to abandon their shopping carts, resulting in lost sales. In addition, e-commerce applications must be compatible with a wide range of devices and browsers to reach the widest possible audience.

Functionality testing verifies that an e-commerce application or website works as intended. This includes verifying that users can add items to their shopping cart, complete checkout, and login/logout successfully. Usability testing verifies that an e-commerce application or website is easy to use. This includes verifying that the layout is intuitive and easy to navigate, and that all links work as expected. Compatibility testing verifies that an e-commerce application or website works correctly on different devices and browsers. This is important because customers use a variety of devices and browsers to access online shopping applications.

E-Commerce testing is essential for ensuring a positive customer experience and maximizing sales. Poorly functioning e-commerce applications can result in lost sales and frustrated customers. To avoid these problems, it is important to carefully test e-commerce applications before they are launched.

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