Make Money Online CONTENT TRAFFIC What Content Is Good Content?

What Content Is Good Content?

What Content Is Good Content? post thumbnail image

Now you have figured out how many times you should be posting on your social media accounts we need to take a look at what type of content you should be posting and sharing.


You have probably heard people saying that one vital thing you need to do is blog, well this is right and I would certainly back this up. Even if you are stretched for time and feel that you cannot possibly fit writing a blog post in, you should aim to write a blog post at least once per week.

What you are to include in your blog is actually down to what you are an expert in and what you want your customers to see you as.

Writing or buying blogs with tons of keywords in is not what is actually done any more. I will admit that it worked at one time helping you get your website ranked in search engines, but not any more, thankfully.

To work out what type of things you need to write about I would like you to take a moment to think about what you look for when searching for something on the internet. Lets say for example you’re looking for a new conservatory, what do you really want to find out when searching the net.

Possibly something like this:

  • What kind of conservatories are available
  • What is the difference between a conservatory and an orangery
  • Should you go for a wooden or pvc conservatory
  • How long your conservatory will last?
  • How much value a conservatory will put on your house?
  • How you will utilize your conservatory summer and winter?

Now take a look at your product, if you look at what you would want to know about your product then you can base your blogs on the type of questions people ask themselves when making a new purchase or signing up for a service. For the above examples we may right blogs with the following titles;

  • What Type of Conservatory is best for you?
  • How to Choose Between a Conservatory And An Orangery.

You get my drift? Now you have the basis to start producing content worth reading and you being the expert are the perfect person to spend 30 minutes writing your very own blog which then can be part of your social media campaign.


Once you have chosen the right social media channels for your specific business you have to then populate your profiles.

Obviously you will be posting your blog posts to all of your social media channels (and not just once, they need to be re posted on a regular basis as you have new followers all of the time) but what else should you post?

Again think about your audience. What do you think they are interested in, we will use a conservatory company again for an example.

Your audience may be interested in:

  • Tips on how to keep their conservatory clean.
  • Tips on how to decorate their conservatory at a low cost
  • Information on how to utilize their conservatory summer and winter
  • Tips on how to elongate the life of their conservatory.

These are just a couple of ideas but you get the jist of what I am trying to say. Make sure you use pictures and videos as much as possible as many people prefer something visual to something they have to read.

Post questions such as:

  • Do you have any tips on keeping your conservatory pristine?
  • How have you decorated your conservatory? Send in your photos?

Have a little competition and for example add “The best photo will be used in our new brochure”


In addition to your own posts you need to be sharing content from 3rd parties now some of the above tips could be shared from a 3rd party but also consider what type of content they maybe interested in which may be very similar to yours.

You could post news such as Conservatory Plan For Hudson House or articles from other blogs such as Interior Design Tips or Awesome Tips to Help You Choose the Best Conservatory Blinds.

Through doing this your followers or fans will see that your not just about selling but also about giving them useful information that will help them.

Along side this you can also share more technical information about materials used, why certain designs are used etc to show that you actually are an authority in your field.

Now last but not least I would recommend that you only post a Selling Post a maximum of 2 times per week and use something like. Does your old conservatory need replacing? Take a look at some wonderful new designs + Link to your website. As an add on to this you can add special offers such as use our coupon code and get 10% off

In this way you are not hitting them hard and just asking them to browse your site for some research!

Now these are just some examples of good engaging content to use within your blog and social media marketing but obviously the world of content is huge and ideas are endless, what you do need to make sure you do is to make your content unique and engaging.

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