Make Money Online AUTOMATION Web Push Notification Automation Mystery Solved by Ankita & Jatin at SeConf16 India

Web Push Notification Automation Mystery Solved by Ankita & Jatin at SeConf16 India

Web Push Notification Automation Mystery Solved by  Ankita & Jatin at SeConf16 India post thumbnail image

What is web push notification automation? It’s the process of automatically sending push notifications to your subscribers when new content is published on your website. It’s a great way to keep your subscribers up-to-date on your latest content, and it can also help increase engagement and retention on your website.

Until recently, the only way to automate web push notifications was to use a third-party service like OneSignal or PushCrew. These services are great, but they can be expensive, and they require you to give up some control over your notifications.

Now, there’s a new way to automate web push notifications, and it’s free! Ankita & Jatin at SeConf16 India have created a new tool called PushBots that allows you to automatically send push notifications to your subscribers whenever new content is published on your website.

PushBots is easy to use and it’s completely free! You can start using PushBots on your website today by signing up for a free account.

Once you’ve signed up for PushBots, you’ll need to install the PushBots WordPress plugin on your website. After you’ve installed the plugin, you’ll need to connect it to your PushBots account. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to choose which post types you want to be notified about, and you can even customize the message that is sent with each notification.

Now that you’ve setup PushBots on your website, whenever you publish new content, a web push notification will be automatically sent to all of your subscribers! This is an incredible way to keep your audience engaged and informed about your latest content.

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