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Web Development – Website Design

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Website Development 101: the Proper Website Design

Is your website easy to understand?

A popular country singer who performed before sold-out crowds was asked his secret to constantly packing ’em in.

“Every time we come into a city and are setting up the stage,” he explained, “I go out into the empty auditorium and work my way to the back row. I sit there – all the way back in the seat farthest from the stage – and imagine what the person sitting in this seat will see. I always keep that in mind whenever I create a stage show. I ask myself what the average paying customer will be seeing.”

That’s a good way for companies to think when it comes to their web design. Does your corporate web page have the viewer in mind, or is it simply a pretty billboard? How sensible is your e commerce web design? How quickly can a visitor understand your website’s information? Good graphic web design should keep a ‘timer mentality’, that is, they should bear in mind that many viewers are impatient. If they can’t get the needed information, it won’t take long for a frustrated viewer to click to another site. Companies should have a web design that recognizes the speedy decision-making by potential customers in the cyberspace shopping world.

“The viewer should never, never have to second-guess the purpose of a company’s website,” said Nigel Gower, CEO of 24OnDemand, a leading web development company based in Atlanta, Georgia. “I mean, think of it in other terms. Would you buy from a car dealership if you couldn’t find the new vehicles? Would you dine at a restaurant where the menu is in gibberish and the waiters aren’t aware of the day’s specials? No, you wouldn’t. Why is a website any different? People come to get informed, to shop, to be impressed.. It’s a simple internet marketing tip to check often. Ask yourself: Shouldn’t you be clarifying and explaining everything? Good web design should bear these things in mind.”

Gower is a businessman who had a vision of making new avenues of commerce for businesses around the world through dynamic internet marketing strategy. He had become aware of the need for users to feel comfortable with a website the first few seconds they click on the first page. He established 24OnDemand with ease-of-use in mind, but with high-definition graphics and a powerful presence.

24OnDemand has earned a strong reputation for clear, attractive and user-friendly sites that have easy-to-understand navigational tools. Their graphic design and simple tutorials have been recognized as superior in the field of web development. Even a company that has a poor website can redeem itself if it changes and uses commonsense internet technology. Proper web design, however, needs to start now.

Gower lists four things as the high priority in his company’s website development work when it comes to superior web design. First, the website should look inviting with clear fonts, bright pictures and a friendly approach. Second, the web design should clearly state the business products and services with clarity. Third, the website should be easy to use in all stages of the shopping experience, whether browsing categories or making purchases. Fourth, the web design should communicate the company’s conviction that the visitor is important. All of these web development strategies combine to make a site that will bring people back again and again.

“Think of a website as a house. One thing you want is good text colors, which is like fresh paint inside and out. Good contrast on your site – dark text on a light background – will appeal to the reader, ” said Gower. “You want easy access through the house. In web development terms, that’s easy-to-read paragraphs that aren’t too long and are well-spaced. The, or course, is the quality of the building material, which on the website would be fresh and informative content. If you don’t have quality content, you don’t have a good website. Banners, flashy graphics and loud design does as much good as trying to repair broken plumbing by playing symphony music on the radio in the hallway.”

Gower offers some helpful hints for good web development.

“Make a good site map, one that is as easy to understand as directions on a map. Don’t allow any chance that the visitor will get lost or frustrated. Make sure that your ‘contact us’ link is clear and readable on every page. If the viewer can’t find a way to contact you, you’ve lost business.”

“Avoid pop ups at all cost. I think of them as the equivalent to those little cards that always fell out of magazines – pure irritation. There are other keys in web development that we use to get excellent results. We at 24OnDemand also avoid long pages where the viewer must scroll, scroll, scroll down and get weary. Instead, we might ad a ‘Go to page…’ link so they can get to a new page. And always remember to refresh your website. Think fresh all the time. Search engines and visitors love to see new items and articles.”

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