Make Money Online AUTOMATION Web Automation – How to import web data using VBA

Web Automation – How to import web data using VBA

Web Automation – How to import web data using VBA post thumbnail image

Web automation is nothing new. It’s been around for years, even before the World Wide Web was invented.

In the early days of web automation, developers used scripts and programs to interact with web pages and transfer data between web servers and clients. This was a time-consuming and error-prone process, often requiring manual intervention.

With the advent of the World Wide Web, web automation became a lot easier. Developers could now use programming languages to automatically build web pages and transfer data between web servers and clients. This made web development faster and more efficient.

In recent years, web automation has become even easier with the use of tools like Selenium and WebDriver. These tools allow developers to automate interactions with web pages and transfer data between web servers and clients without having to write any code.

So why would you want to automate your interactions with web pages? There are many reasons.

First, automating your interactions with web pages can save you a lot of time. For example, if you need to fill out a form on a website, you can automate the process by writing a script that fills out the form for you. This can save you hours of time that you would otherwise spend filling out the form manually.

Second, automating your interactions with web pages can help you avoid errors. For example, if you’re filling out a form on a website and you make a mistake, you can simply run the script again and it will fill out the form correctly this time. This can save you from having to fix errors manually.

Finally, automating your interactions with web pages can help you gather data more efficiently. For example, if you need to extract data from a website, you can write a script that extracts the data for you and saves it in a format that’s easy to work with (e.g., CSV or JSON). This can save you hours of time that you would otherwise spend extracting data manually.

So how do you automate your interactions with web pages? In this article, we’ll discuss how to import web data using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). VBA is a programming language that allows developers to automate tasks in Microsoft Office applications such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Importing data into Excel using VBA is relatively simple; we’ll walk through an example below.

First, open Excel and create a new workbook (File > New > Workbook). Next, open the Visual Basic editor (Alt+F11) and insert a new module (Insert > Module). Paste the following code into the module:

Sub ImportData()

Dim xmlhttp As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60

Dim url As String

url = “https://www….”

xmlhttpRequest url

If xmlhttp…Status = 200 Then

Dim html As New HTMLDocument

html…innerHTML = xmlhttp…ResponseText

Dim trs As Object

Set trs = html…getElementsByTagName(“tr”) ‘Get all table rows on webpage ‘Loop through each table row For Each tr In trs ‘Get all cells in current row Dim tds As Object Set tds = tr…getElementsByTagName(“td”) ‘Loop through each cell in current row For Each td In tds ‘Write cell contents to worksheet cell Cells(rowNum,…).Value = td…innerText ‘Move on to next cell in row Next td ‘Move on to next row in table rowNum = rowNum + 1 Next tr Else MsgBox “Error loading page” End If End Sub Sub xmlhttpRequest(url) With xmlhttp .Open “GET”, url .send End With End Sub The first part of this code defines some variables that we’ll use throughout the program: Dim xmlhttp As New MSXML2….

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