Make Money Online SEO Vue SEO Tutorial with Prerendering

Vue SEO Tutorial with Prerendering

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As a front-end developer, I’m always on the lookout for new technologies to improve the performance and SEO of my applications. Recently, I’ve been investigating the potential of using Vue.js with prerendering to improve both the performance and SEO of my applications.

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how you can use Vue.js with prerendering to improve the performance and SEO of your web application. We’ll be covering the following topics:

What is prerendering?
How can prerendering improve performance?
How can prerendering improve SEO?
Let’s get started!

What is Prerendering?
Prerendering is the process of rendering a web page in advance, before a user requests it. This allows the page to be served immediately, without having to wait for the JavaScript to be executed first. Prerendering can be used on both server-side and client-side applications.

In a server-side application, prerendering would involve rendering the HTML on the server before sending it to the client. This would mean that when a user requests a page, they would receive the fully rendered HTML immediately, without having to wait for any JavaScript to be executed. This can be beneficial for performance as it eliminates any delay caused by JavaScript execution. It can also be beneficial for SEO as it ensures that search engines are able to index the content of the page correctly.

In a client-side application, prerendering would involve rendering the HTML in advance in the browser, before a user actually requests it. This means that when a user navigates to a page, they would already have the fully rendered HTML available, without having to wait for any JavaScript to be executed. Again, this can be beneficial for performance as it eliminates any delay caused by JavaScript execution. It also has potential benefits for SEO as it means that when search engines crawl a page they would see the fully rendered HTML immediately. However, there are some potential drawbacks with this approach which we’ll discuss later on.

How Can Prerendering Improve Performance?
As we’ve seen, one of the main benefits of prerendering is that it can improve performance by eliminating any delay caused by JavaScript execution. But how exactly does this work? Let’s take a look at an example to see how prerendering can impact performance.

Suppose we have a simple Vue application which renders a list of items fetched from an API:

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