What’s more essential for content marketing than ever before?
It’s video marketing!
Infact, 92% of marketers find video marketing important for content marketing strategy! Among which, even the advertising world is actively taking up the video content.
Marketers have increased their reliance on video marketing now as 99% of them wish to continue its use!
But why are they indulging in video marketing as a part of their content marketing strategy?
It is because video marketing is bringing them:
Impressive ROI (Return On Investment) with 96% better click-through rates. And 89% of marketers are agreeing to it! The reasons for this lies in improved lead generations, increased website traffic and of course direct increase in sales.
48% viewers want more video content for things of their interest. As they develop a better understanding with the visuals.
Mobile users are consuming more videos than before because everything is now handled via smartphones. Be it social media handling, accessing emails, networking or browsing over YouTube where almost 70% of the consumption is coming from mobile devices.
All in all, video marketing has emerged as the strongest tool for content marketing strategy. With their different types of videos to platform centric targeting, they are ruling everywhere. Begin your journey now as this is indeed the necessity or connect with us and know more!
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