Make Money Online VIDEO MARKETING Video marketing 101: Tips for Financial Advisors

Video marketing 101: Tips for Financial Advisors

Video marketing 101: Tips for Financial Advisors post thumbnail image

Financial advisors can no longer afford to ignore video marketing. YouTube is the second largest search engine next to Google, and there are over a billion active users on the platform. What’s more, 500 million hours of video are watched on YouTube every day!

So, what exactly is video marketing? Essentially, it is using online videos to promote and market your business. And it can be an extremely effective way to reach your target audience.

Here are some tips for financial advisors who want to get started with video marketing:

1. Keep it short and sweet

When it comes to online videos, people have very short attention spans. You need to grab their attention within the first few seconds and hold it until the very end. So, make sure your videos are well-edited and to-the-point. Anything longer than two minutes is likely to lose viewers before the end.

2. Invest in quality production

While you don’t need Hollywood-level production values for your videos, you should still make sure they look professional. This means investing in decent equipment and working with a skilled videographer. Hiring a production company is also an option if you want to ensure top-notch quality.

3. Focus on content over promotion

Your videos should be informative and helpful, not promotional or salesy. Provide value to your viewers by sharing tips, advice, and interesting information that will help them in their financial lives. If you can establish yourself as an expert in your field, you’ll be more likely to win clients down the road.

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