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Ultrafiltration: Back to Basics

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Ultrafiltration is abbreviated to UF. Just like reverse osmosis, it is a membrane-based filtration process. In this process, the device uses hydrostatic pressure in order to pass water through a type of semi-permeable membrane. Generally, the pore size of this membrane is between 103 and 106 Daltons. Generally, ultra purification is a pressure-based barrier in order to suspend different types of elements, such as viruses, bacteria, solids, endotoxins, and other types of pathogens. As a result, the filtered water becomes pure. Let’s find out more about it.

Basically, a membrane is a thin layer of a special type of material that can help separate substances in response to a driving force. Therefore, they can help remove different types of microorganisms, such as bacteria, organic matter, and particulate material. Therefore, the filtered water becomes better in taste and color.

Generally, ultrafiltration is an ideal choice for the removal of a variety of colloidal particles from your tap water. Apart from this, they can also help remove big dissolved contaminants. Based on the type of membrane, you can remove contaminants of different sizes.

With a molecular weight of 100k daltons, the size of membranes is between 0.05 and 0.08 microns. In most cases, these membranes are employed when you need to remove all types of colloidal particles. The thing is that the majority of dissolved solids can go through the membrane with no problems.

Here is How It Works

Ultrafiltration makes use of hollow fibers of the membrane. This process helps retain suspended solids and allows other solutes to pass through. Basically, there is no difference between nanofiltration, microfiltration, reverse osmosis, and ultrafiltration.

If it is combined with other water filtration technologies, ultrafiltration can help remove macromolecules, proteins, pyrogens, bacteria, and colloids.


  • No need for any type of chemicals
  • The use of size exclusion filtration
  • Help Shambhu microbe microbes and particles
  • Eco-friendly
  • Simple automation
  • Compact plants

What does it can remove?

  • Viruses
  • Smog
  • Silt
  • Silica
  • Proteins
  • Plastics
  • Endotoxins


Since ultrafiltration units have fine membrane filters, these units require proper maintenance. The type of planning method depends upon the application of the unit. For example, if you want to use this unit, you can get rid of organic contaminants. Plus, you can use a medium alkaline detergent for up to 60 minutes.

For the removal of inorganic contaminants, you can use citric acid with a concentration level of 3%. It is essential to keep in mind that the acid should be allowed to circulate for at least 1 hour. Apart from this, you can also use hydrochloric acid for cleaning membranes.

Long story short, this was an introduction to ultrafiltration water purification systems. If you want to invest in this system, we suggest that you consider your needs and budget. You can also compare these units with reverse osmosis units before making your ultimate decision. Hopefully, this guide will help you purchase and take care of your ultrafiltration systems.


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