Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC Traffic Generation: Do You Think That Not Using Social Media Won’t Hurt You?

Traffic Generation: Do You Think That Not Using Social Media Won’t Hurt You?

Traffic Generation: Do You Think That Not Using Social Media Won’t Hurt You? post thumbnail image

When it comes to traffic generation Internet marketers do a lot of things that end up hurting them, and what is worse they aren’t even aware they are hurting their business. One of these things would be not taking the use of social media websites seriously. In this article I’m going to go over a few pieces of information that should change the mind of any Internet marketer who believes not using social media will hurt their business.

Did you know that over 60% of Americans use social media? And of the 60% of Americans who do use it, 93% of them believe that a company should have a presence in social media. If you are serious about traffic generation this cannot be lost on you. 60% of the entire adult population equates to a very large segment that if ignored will end up hurting your website presence and your brand in the end.

Also, an overwhelming 85% of those potential customers also believe a company should not only have a presence, but also interact with customers through social media. Interaction doesn’t mean simply advertising direct products and services, but it means asking to hear other people’s opinions. The more you are able to get people to contribute their own thoughts and opinions the more social interaction is truly taking place.

A lack of a strong presence on various social platforms can cause the overall profit potential of your businesses to suffer long-term as well. There are entire multi-billion-dollar corporations that make use of social media platforms, because they understand this is where a lot of their users are hanging out these days. This information is even more crucial for those who have a target audience under the age of 30.

In closing, when it comes to traffic generation you always need to make use of areas on the Internet where people are congregating. If you believe not making use of social media won’t hurt you then you are sorely mistaken. By reading this article you should now understand that 60% of Americans use social media, and the vast majority of them believe a company should have a presence in social media.

You should also understand many of these people believe that companies or website owners should be interacting as well. I know for some people making use of these platforms seems like a lot of work, but for the long-term viability of your business it is definitely worth it to take them seriously.

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