Make Money Online SOLO ADS Tracy Biller Reveals – Target Network Marketers Using MLM Genealogy List

Tracy Biller Reveals – Target Network Marketers Using MLM Genealogy List

Tracy Biller is a well known MLM training expert. In 1995, He has successfully built his first huge organizations by targeting other network marketers using what is called a genealogy list. A genealogy leads is a data base of distributors who are currently in a network marketing business or who have left the industry because their company went out of business.

For many years only top income earners had access to these reports and kept this strategy a secret. While Heavy hitters were teaching the average network marketer to make a list of a hundred names, talk to family friends and prospect opportunity seekers (not quality leads) these same heavy hitters were sponsoring other network marketers using a genealogy list.

Tracy Biller has done something that no other well known heavy hitter, top income earner or industry trainer has ever done. That is exposing the truth when it came to recruiting. In his current training course, Tracy Biller reveals that to put the odds of success in your favor, the average network marketer must know who his/her target market is. He then mentions that your primary target prospects are other network marketers.

Here’s the reasons Tracy Biller gives:

1. Network marketers already believe in the business model. You do not have to explain the concept.

2. Network marketers are already highly pre-qualified prospects.

3. Most network marketers are making little to no money in their current programs.

4. Most network marketers will look another company if they think it will offer them a better opportunity than the one they are currently in.

The fact is, the heavy hitters, the gurus and the top income earners all made big money because they recruited inside the industry. Not family and friends or this ridiculous strategy called “The three foot rule”. They targeted network marketers. It’s a time tested proven method that is a must if you are to have any level of success.

Recruiting other network marketers obviously makes sense because that’s your target market. However, buying MLM genealogy leads and cold calling which Tracy Biller encourages, is a tactic you might need to be concerned about. Here’s why, these people never ask to be solicited. In other words, they haven’t asked for any information from you. You may find yourself in trouble with the Do Not Call Registry if that person is on the DNC list. MLM genealogy lists are usually out of date. Therefore, they have inaccurate information. Not only that, those reports are normally sold over and over again. Which mean the list really isn’t yours. Many other networkers have the same list and are contacting these leads just like you.

So how do you sponsor network marketers in to day’s environment? Well, there’s several ways. However, the best way is The Internet! With the dawn of the Internet, you have a fantastic opportunity to attract network marketers and other high qualified prospects for your primary program. With sound Internet strategies and web 2.0 technology, the door is wide open for anyone who is willing to learn a new model of network marketing. Why bother pitching your opportunity to uncle Frank or cold call with outdated scripts and inaccurate genealogy reports. Learn the new model of network marketing to attract an endless stream of high quality distributors and other prospects to be your business.

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