If you are looking to learn automation testing or expand your current knowledge, here are 10 great demo websites and projects to get you started.
1. Google Search Demo Website
This demo website presents a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to automate various tests for the Google Search engine. It covers topics such as verifying the functionality of the search box, testing the search results page, and more.
2. Web Demo Projects
Web Demo Projects is a website that provides a collection of open source projects that can be used for learning or practicing automation testing. The projects are organized into categories such as web applications, mobile apps, and desktop applications.
3. AutoIt Education and Resources Project
AutoIt is a free tool that can be used to automate various tasks in Windows. This project provides educational resources and demonstrations on how to use AutoIt for testing purposes.
4. SikuliX-2014 Demo Projects
SikuliX is a free tool that can be used to automate graphical user interfaces (GUI). This project provides a set of demo projects that show how SikuliX can be used for automating various tasks in different applications such as Firefox, Notepad++, and VLC media player.