Make Money Online MOBILE MARKETING Three Aspects of E-Mail Marketing That Can Improve Your Profitability

Three Aspects of E-Mail Marketing That Can Improve Your Profitability

Three Aspects of E-Mail Marketing That Can Improve Your Profitability post thumbnail image

Profiting from an e-mail marketing campaign can be either extremely difficult or extremely simple depending on how you choose to run your campaign. There are a few quick tips and tricks that you can implement on your website and in your e-mail campaigns to make sure that your conversion rate remains consistently high – this article will go into more depth on how to implement these strategies and increase your bottom line profit from e-mail marketing.

One of the first things you need to do is make sure that your mailing list sign-up form is positioned prominently and on every page of your website. Many of the best e-mail marketers will position their form at the top right hand corner of their homepage and make the sign-up box one of the first things the user sees when they arrive on their site. It’s important to also make the user aware of what they can gain from signing up to your list and this is where you need to make sure and promote whatever special offer you have designed to work in conjunction with the list e.g. a free E-Book.

Another thing that is advisable is to include an option to forward on any e-mails that you send out. This option is often neglected by people new to e-mail marketing but can prove a tremendous boon to your marketing efforts. For example, if you send one e-mail out to a list of 1,000 subscribers, and five percent of those e-mails are forwarded on, you can potentially reach a new subscriber quota of 1,050 people and also increase the returns from your campaign.

A final tip that’s worth implementing is to segment your users into distinct groups based on their activities and status. For example, you can categorise all new subscribers into one segment and then send out a welcome e-mail and maybe a seven day course to anyone who has just signed up to your list. This ensures that you are effectively striking while the iron is hot and it will encourage the user to return to your website to look for more information.

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