Make Money Online EMAIL MARKETING The Ultimate Strategy For Driving Targeted Traffic To Your Website

The Ultimate Strategy For Driving Targeted Traffic To Your Website

The Ultimate Strategy For Driving Targeted Traffic To Your Website post thumbnail image

So you have the squeeze page up, you have the sales page and the order page ready to go. You’ve set up the auto-responder and the links to the free stuff to get your email list excited about doing business with you. You even have the upsell products ready to go. The problem is nothing is happening.

Where is the traffic? The dam has not broken and all those eager buyers have not overwhelmed your server. What’s wrong? You decided to let your pay per click ads to the work for you?

We’re going to look at a strategy to reach your goal. First let’s define your goal.

Do you want to get 600 sales? Ok, let’s use that as our goal. What do we do first? If you’ve read any of my articles, you know that we start with a list. How many interested prospects would you need to have on your list to meet this goal in a campaign? If you consider a 3% conversion (to very conservative) you’ll need to establish a list of 20,000 names. Now would be a good time to go back to Google to check the search stats on your product to see if you’ve got enough willing prospects.

Here is the strategy for your high targeted traffic blitz. Give yourself 90 days to ramp up.

Online ads

For quick traffic to the site to get you started, get a Google AdWords account for pay per click and an Adbrite account for targeted website ads. Make your keywords highly targeted. You want to stay in your niche for instance if you sell hair restoration products, target “hair restoration” not “baldness”. You’ll get less clicks but more targeted clicks in the category you’re looking for.

Ezine ads

There are thousands of ezines out there. Do a search in your category to find the ones that will offer you the most targeted traffic for advertising. You can check the popularity of the ezines in Alexa to be sure that you’ll be getting a popular ezine. Place ads regularly and tack the results.


Go to Technorati to find blogs in your category to start contributing replies. Get to be a blogger and set up your own at Blogger. Don’t forget to create back links to your squeeze pages.


This is an essential component to blasting targeted prospects to your squeeze page. I know you’ll freak out when I say this because it seems like a lot of work but you need to have at least 100 articles out in circulation on the Internet before you can benefit from article marketing. I wouldn’t stop there. Articles have a cumulative effect. You can literally ad thousands of subscribers to your list in a year through articles.

Press releases

>Send out a press release at least every two weeks. It is important that you get your brand out in the public eye. The media will take a while to recognize you. If you’re in their line of sight consistently, you’ll begin to get results after several attempts.

List Exchange

Find partners with whom you can exchange free products or special offers. This is a great way for them to add extra value to their own offers. Embed your links in your free information product. Be sure to create a highly useful product, not a cheap 10 page sales letter. The product must be able to directly benefit the reader. You can generate massive increases in your list this way.

Viral Videos

You can generate tremendous traffic with viral videos. If you have the skill to put three to five minute videos on YouTube and Myspace, you can bring in targeted traffic.

When you have a hit product, a great list, or a popular website, don’t stop promoting. Continue to add more content, products, and prospects. Many people slack off when they achieve a measure of success in their business. There will be plenty of time to relax once you’ve put away a year of income. Most expert Internet marketers work like crazy to reach a level of financial security. They tend to love what they do and continue to help others gain success.

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