Make Money Online SOLO ADS The Trend of SLO Use by Successful MLM-Network Marketers

The Trend of SLO Use by Successful MLM-Network Marketers

The Trend of SLO Use by Successful MLM-Network Marketers post thumbnail image

Over the past year or so different techniques have begun to leak revealing some of the tactics of successful MLM marketers. One of those techniques is the use of something called a S.L.O.


The letters S.L.O. are short for Self-Liquidating-Offer. The use of S.L.O’s in the marketing world outside of MLM/Network Marketing is very common; and for a long time only a few internet savvy Multi Level Marketers have used them.

Now if you are involved in MLM/Network marketing or were in the past, you probably are being taught the standard in your face techniques for building your MLM business. Yes building these businesses has changed with the advent of the internet.

If you are building your MLM using the latest techniques no are no longer doing any of the following:

Making a list of all your friends and family- Promoting your company website- (which is not designed for marketing)

Buying leads- Making cold calls- Leaving home business flyers on cars- All of these practices have been abandoned by modern day MLM/Network marketing gurus. These days you have to find a way to unlock the power of the internet in your business. Doing so is easier said than done but there are people openly teaching MLM business owner how to do this.

Your MLM Opportunity Is Not The First Thing Your Prospect Should See:

If you study the psychology of those seeking opportunities, you will find that people would rather learn how to do something than actually do it. Consider these headlines:

“Join me in my ABC business and make six figures in three months”


“Discover how I built a six figure income from my home computer-step-by-step”

Most people would respond to the second ad. Modern day MLM/Network Marketers know this and therefore never lead with their main MLM opportunity.

They lead a with low cost high volume retail S.L.O. product that funds their advertising and produces an endless supply of leads for their main MLM/Network Marketing opportunity. I know is sounds a lot different than what you are being taught if you have a MLM business.

But I can vouch for the effectiveness of this way of thinking. I have been able to do more in the way of lead generation in weeks than I had in previous years. People are on the internet searching for good opportunities. You just have to know how to be there for them.

Don’t Be Stubborn, Let The Old Way Go:

I personally will never go back to the old MLM/Network marketing model. Get the information you need to stop working so hard using methods that are proven to fail 95% of MLM/Networking marketing business owners.

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