Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC The Social Network That'll Drive You More Traffic Than Facebook | Ep. #642

The Social Network That'll Drive You More Traffic Than Facebook | Ep. #642

The Social Network That'll Drive You More Traffic Than Facebook | Ep. #642 post thumbnail image

In today’s world, it seems like everyone is on social media. And while there are many different platforms to choose from, Facebook is by far the most popular. But what if there was a social media platform that could drive even more traffic than Facebook? Well, there is… and it’s called Google+.

Google+ is a social network that was created by Google. It has many of the same features as other social networks, such as the ability to post updates, photos, and links. But it also has some unique features that make it ideal for driving traffic to your website or blog.

For starters, Google+ has something called “Circles.” Circles allow you to segment your friends and followers into different groups. This is important because it allows you to target your content to specific groups of people. For example, if you have a blog about gardening, you can add people who are interested in gardening to a “Gardening” Circle. Then, when you post an update about your latest gardening project, only those people in the “Gardening” Circle will see it.

This is opposed to Facebook, where all of your friends and followers will see every update, regardless of whether or not they’re interested in the topic. This can often lead to people becoming annoyed with you for posting too much about one thing (such as gardening) when they’re not interested in that topic.

Another great feature of Google+ is that it allows you to format your posts using a variety of different methods. For example, you can use bullet points, headlines, and even images to make your posts more visually appealing. This is important because it can help you stand out in the feed and get more people to click on your links.

Lastly, Google+ gives you the ability to connect with other like-minded people through “Communities.” Communities are essentially online forums where people with similar interests can connect and share information. For example, if you’re a member of the gardening community, you can share tips and advice with other members, ask questions, and even find new plants and products to try out.

All of these features make Google+ an ideal platform for driving traffic to your website or blog. So if you’re not already using Google+, now is the time to get started!

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