Make Money Online FREELANCING The Pros and Cons of Freelance Writing

The Pros and Cons of Freelance Writing

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Freelance writing can be an absolute dream job. You may be completely fulfilled, challenged, and excited about what you do. This is the perfect job if that’s the way you feel, right? Other times, freelance writing can be a complete nightmare. You may feel burnt out, tired, and frustrated. This is a job only for the most dedicated, passionate, and strong-willed person. Here are some more of the pros and cons of freelance writing.

Cons –

Freelance writing is very different from a “normal” 9-to-5 job. One of the biggest differences is that you are your own boss. This means that you have to set your own schedule, do the work you have to do in order to get the jobs, and, most importantly, you have to stick to your schedule. This can be one of the hardest things to do. There is no one to push you into working on the days that you feel like staying in bed. There is no one to yell at you if you show up late for work and there is no one to tell you how much time you have to complete any given task. This means that you have to do all of those things for yourself! If you’re not an ambitious or strong-willed person, this can get difficult. One important tip is to keep a planner and make important decisions regarding your schedule and time.

Another of the cons is that at times it can be hard to find great-paying gigs. You may find tons and tons of work, but it may be work that pays little to nothing, with no appreciation and with cranky clients. This is one of the most frustrating aspects of being a freelance writer. Because you have to do so much work in order to make a living, it’s also one of the easiest ways to become burnt out on freelance writing. Sometimes, people get so burnt out because of these things that they end up getting a job outside the home and never go back to writing. Like I said, it takes a strong-willed person to make it in this business.

Pros –

In the same way that being your own boss can be very difficult, it also has its benefits. For instance, if you decide that you simply want to go on a week’s vacation with no notice at all, you can do that. You are the boss and you can do whatever you want. However, this has to be mixed with a good amount of self-discipline, will, and ambition in order for you to make it as a successful freelance writer.

Another of the greatest benefits of freelance writing is that you basically have the potential to make as much money as you want to. The thing is, you will have to put in the work, the hours, and the frustration it takes to get there. When you work at a job with a boss, the extra work that you do goes to line his wallet or her pocketbook. As a freelance writer, the extra work you do is reflected in the amount of money that you make, the client list that you build, and your own success. When you’re a successful freelance writer, it can truly feel like you’re on top of the world. When you have the necessary skills, talent, and passion it takes to make it in this business, you can become a successful freelance writer.

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