Make Money Online SEO The Google Gamble – Search Engine Optimization SEO Book for Small Business

The Google Gamble – Search Engine Optimization SEO Book for Small Business

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In this video, Tim talks about The Google Gamble, a layman’s guidebook about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for small business. It explains how search works, lays out Google secrets and helps you create a search engine optimization plan. This Google books explains SEO for beginners in 2014. It This Search Engine Optimization focuses on SEO for small business. This is a great book about SEO, how SEO works, how Google Search works, and how Google Keywords interact with SEO.

Does S.E.O. Scare you? Are you even sure what traffic is, or
why it’s so important?

You don’t need Computer Science degree to grow your business online and offline. What you need is smoking hot traffic. The Google Gamble shows you how.
• Discover how Google works and what you need to do to constantly adapt
• Find out multi-level strategies that bring new leads to your business
• Learn how to find and hire legitimate SEO support while avoiding the charlatans

With The Google Gamble you’re no longer gambling but making informed decisions.
• What is traffic and how do I make it cold, warm, or smoking hot?
• Does my website have awesome Google-ready content?
• What are meta-tags and how can they help me?
• What are backlinks and article marketing and how can they help or even hurt me?
• Why is video is becoming more powerful than web copy?
• What is Google Analytics, why is it important and how does it work?

“I’ve seen CEOs hire so-called SEO experts who use bad technique then boom! Google finds out and you get slapped. Your traffic vanishes. Oops!”

Tim has written a variety of books on clarity, strategy and mindset with a particular focus on technology and content.
– The Google Gamble –
– The Entrepreneurial Handbook –
– The Fast Book Handbook –
– Creativity and Innovation –
– The Awakener’s Handbook –

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Tim Levy is an author, speaker, consultant and coach. He works with CEOs and entrepreneurs on clarity, strategy and mindset. He routinely speaks for peak organizations like Vistage International, CEOSpace International and Secret Knock. He has a particular focus on web technology and digital content including books, CDs, online training and broadcast television. Tim’s focus is to radically accelerate and enable highly purposeful CEOs and entrepreneurs in their business and personal lives.

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