Make Money Online HTML PHP JAVASCRIPT The Fastest Way to Earn One Thousand Dollars Online (For Beginners)

The Fastest Way to Earn One Thousand Dollars Online (For Beginners)

The Fastest Way to Earn One Thousand Dollars Online (For Beginners) post thumbnail image

Who else is struggling to earn their first one thousand dollar pay day? Are you worried that you can pick a niche, or you don’t know how to do the right keyword research or you simply can’t convince your community to buy anything… or otherwise convert your content into cash?

There is a better way.

The truth is, in my view, the absolute fastest way to earn money online is to BUILD something.

Create something turn key, that has instant, demonstrative value for someone else.

In my own case, I personally struggled to earn any money online for a long, long time… (close to a year) even though I had a successful offline direct response marketing company, so theoretically, I already knew the ropes.

As a matter of fact, I tried so hard, for so long… that I was actually embarrassed to admit to other people I hadn’t yet really made a profit, even though I was working 12 to 15 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week, for what felt like forever.

The big turning point?

About 5 years ago, I decided to build something rather than SELL something.

I created a hyper local cosmetic dentistry website in the highly affluent Beverly Hills, California community.


Because I knew that the contextual ads for those keywords were paying 3 or 4 dollars a click, which meant that the advertisers were paying MUCH more than that to advertise.

I figured… even if I only sell it for a few hundred bucks, it will be a profit, and I can offer back end services to the buyer to increase my margins, my exposure and my appearance of expertise.

I made it relatively generic… and used all of the traditional marketing methods that still work today.

I built a blog. I wrote offsite articles. I wrote onsite articles. I advertised the site on classifieds, on forums and even wrote a few press releases to promote it.

One day a Doctor in Beverly Hills emailed me and asked who was “behind” the site. (he thought it was another doctor… but was perplexed, as there was not real contact person, or office being promoted other than the ads I had on the pages)

I told him I had created it for a client, but that the client didn’t pay me yet and I hadn’t talked to him in a while…and that I’d be amenable to selling to someone new.

He asked me how much.

I said 2k.

He said – okay, but I want the following things done before I pay the full amount.

I was shocked silly! And more than happy to do what he asked.

As a matter of fact, not only did I do the additional work, I offered a whole bunch of additional services, and this doctor became a friend, and evangelist for my businesses for a long time to come.

The Secret lesson that experience taught me?

If you want to make money online, STOP trying to sell stuff. And start building instead. Look local, identify needs in your marketplace and speculate a bit in niches that you can add instant value, and build properties that are profitable to professionals who have REAL money to spend. (and don’t mind spending on things that WILL build their bottom line)

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