Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC The Difference Between Active vs. Passive Traffic Generating Techniques

The Difference Between Active vs. Passive Traffic Generating Techniques

The Difference Between Active vs. Passive Traffic Generating Techniques post thumbnail image

There are many ways to generate traffic for your website. You can use active or passive techniques. Active techniques involve doing something to generate traffic. Passive techniques involve doing nothing to generate traffic, but instead waiting for it to come to you.

Active techniques include search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, and social media marketing. These techniques require time and effort to implement and maintain. However, they can be very effective in generating traffic.

Passive techniques include search engine submission, article marketing, and link building. These techniques require little or no effort to implement, but they are not as effective as active techniques in generating traffic.

Which technique you use depends on your goals and resources. If you are looking for immediate results, then active techniques are the best choice. If you are looking for a long-term solution, then passive techniques are the best choice.

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