Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC Social Media Tips – 3 Top Twitter Campaign Strategies to Increase Website Traffic

Social Media Tips – 3 Top Twitter Campaign Strategies to Increase Website Traffic

Social Media Tips – 3 Top Twitter Campaign Strategies to Increase Website Traffic post thumbnail image

Despite the down economy in the United States, many companies are realizing huge successes with Social Media. Many have even start a team. Companies having the best return on investment are even creating full case studies outlining exactly what they did, how they did it, how much it cost, and where they had success.

Clients often ask me strategic advice on using social media for their business. Here are a few success metrics and a basic strategy I recommend:

Twitter is used the most. Some companies use as many as five members of social media their team to monitor Twitter feeds, and tweets that are relevant to their industry and company. Even one company with only have 45 employees has a Twitter Team of five. This plan is lightly based off of Google and Comcast’s Twitter approach. They have different Twitter account names for different purposes:

  • @CompanyNameBuzz – This account is to have fun with customers and potential customers. The team member monitoring this feed shares the “Buzz” about the company internally and externally with, which gives us a more personal touch.
  • @CompanyNameBoss – The company Founder or President has a Twitter presence too. It is recommended that he or she respond to people personally as it shows how much they care, that the Big Boss would spend time in his office on Twitter.
  • @companynameCares – The customer service person responds to questions or tweets from concerned customers and potential customers.

Is all of this work effective you may be thinking. One company saved relationships with 3 big customers because of these accounts and conversations that were addresses on Twitter.

One client increased traffic to their website from Twitter 4,911%.

If you are out to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about social media.

Do you want to learn more about Social Media?

If so, read about and download my brand new free industry research white paper Social Media: A Primer []

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