Make Money Online SOCIAL TRAFFIC Social Media: 8 Sites You Need to Know About

Social Media: 8 Sites You Need to Know About

Social Media: 8 Sites You Need to Know About post thumbnail image

There has been a lot of talk lately about social media and how it can explode your website traffic. Social media essentially is about building trust and credibility with your would be customers. It also hinges on word of mouth advertising, which is a very powerful tool. So what are these sites that are worth considering?

1. Facebook.

The world’s biggest social networking site its owners are billionaires while in their twenties and currently has in excess of 500 million according to NewMax.

A good marketing strategy is to build “Fan Page” for your business and encourage your customers to join. Then you can easily alert them whenever you have updates, new products or any news in your business.

2. Twitter

This is “micro-blogging” social network site. Members send each other 140 characters texts.

Like Facebook you can update you followers about upcoming business events.

3. YouTube

This is a video based online sharing site. You can share your expertise and knowledge with online users. Post a link on the profile page with a link to your website.

The California base YouTube has recently reported a billion subscribers, with some clips having been viewed a billion times. This means more and more people are resorting to video based messages.

4. LinkedIn

This the most popular business-oriented social networking site on the web today. With 67 million as members in 150 countries, it is a great place to find potential customers

5. Digg

This is a news sharing website. Where member post links to their news articles and comments. Getting a good rating on an article that has a link to your sites could see you getting huge traffic.

6. StumbleUpon

If Stumblers give your site a good ranking, your site will be showed in their results more often, which could explode your websites traffic.

7 Yelp

Here members write reviews about local business, Very well for anyone who owns a local business.

8. Delicious

Very popular for book making. Members save links for their favorite article or websites. And members are allowed to comment about each others links.

The more comments you make the more you encourage others to visit you site.

You can member met your future customers in these social sites. Or better learn what to sell to them.

One thing you need to note is the unwritten rule of social media is that you don’t make overt sales pitch.

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