Make Money Online MOBILE MARKETING SMS Marketing | Mobile Website Design | Portland Oregon

SMS Marketing | Mobile Website Design | Portland Oregon

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Mobile Website Design


The smartphone is quickly becoming the remote control for our lives. We use them to book appointments, order food, bank online, and keep in touch with our social networks.

Businesses are catching on to this trend and are using SMS marketing to reach their target audiences where they are spending the majority of their time – on their mobile devices.

SMS marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses text messages to promote products or services. The advantage of SMS marketing is that it allows businesses to reach a wide audience with a relatively low investment.

SMS marketing is an effective way to connect with customers and prospects because:
-It has a high open rate: texts are typically read within minutes of being received.
-It’s personal: texts are intimate and personal devices that we keep close to us at all times.
-It’s immediate: unlike email or social media, there is no delay in getting your message out.
-It’s versatile: you can use SMS marketing for anything from appointment reminders to coupons and product information.
-It’s measurable: you can track who opens your texts and clicks on links, so you know what’s working and what isn’t.
-It’s cost-effective: SMS marketing is one of the most affordable ways to reach your target audience.
-It’s permission-based: people who opt-in to receive your texts have given you permission to contact them, so you know they’re interested in what you have to say.
If you’re not already using SMS marketing, now is the time to start! Here are a few tips on how to get started:
1. Decide who you want to reach with your text messages. This could be existing customers, prospective customers, or both.
2. Decide what kind of messages you want to send. These could be appointment reminders, coupons, product information, or anything else that would be relevant and useful to your target audience.
3. Set up a keyword system so people can opt-in to receive your texts by sending a keyword (such as ‘TEXTME’) to a shortcode (a 5 or 6 digit number). This keyword should be prominently displayed on all of your marketing materials (website, social media, print ads, etc.).
4. Write your text messages in a clear and concise manner using proper grammar and spelling. Remember that people will be reading these messages on small mobile screens, so keep them short and sweet!
5 .Include links in your text messages whenever possible so people can easily find more information about what you’re promoting.
6 . Always include an opt-out option in every text message you send out (‘Reply STOP to opt out’). This is required by law and it will help ensure that people only receive texts from you that they actually want to receive

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