Make Money Online MOBILE MARKETING Small Business Internet Marketing – How Do I Become More Famous Than I Was?

Small Business Internet Marketing – How Do I Become More Famous Than I Was?

Small Business Internet Marketing – How Do I Become More Famous Than I Was? post thumbnail image

Or, how can I get more traffic for my business? That is the question facing us at the beginning of a new year. It’s great to look back over the achievements of last year and tick off all the boxes, but now it is time to concentrate on the important task of becoming slightly more famous this year! So, how do I start?

1) Decide how famous you want to be! Once you know the answer, you can chart some important steps to take you to the required level of fame. So, where is that small business internet marketing list of goals for this year? If you haven’t done it yet, get cracking! There is no time to lose. Taking the time to create a business plan is a must for any small business, because you must identify where your marketing efforts need to head this year.

2) How famous did your small business internet marketing efforts make you last year? What methods did you use and how effective were they? Can you rank them in order of success? Doing these simple exercises will help you separate the useless from the useful. You should be able to see straight away what needs to be ditched so that you can learn new marketing methods.

3) Taking your small business internet marketing to the next level of becoming more famous than you were requires pain, whether time or money. Tremendous changes took place in 2010 as social bookmarking (specifically Facebook) overtook most of the established methods of internet marketing. Your customer loves to be social and talk to you – even if they are on the beach! So, learn (or pay) someone to set up a Facebook page for your business and take it seriously. If Facebook were a country, it would be the 4th largest continent in the world. That’s a heck of a lot of new customers, so put yourself out there where your public can find you!

4) Understand that becoming more famous in your small business internet marketing methods may require some help. It is not possible to know everything and do everything ourselves, so consider outsourcing some of the tasks that you hate – then you are free to concentrate on the things you are good at. If you use the free methods such as articles, blogs, newsletters etc, hop over to Mechanical Turk. Here you will have access to a marketplace of on-demand workers you can hire 24/7 at very low rates. Don’t boil your brains waiting for inspiration – give it to someone else!

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