Make Money Online KEYWORDS Simple SEO Techniques For Search Engine Optimization

Simple SEO Techniques For Search Engine Optimization

Simple SEO Techniques For Search Engine Optimization post thumbnail image

These simple SEO techniques are the result of testing various factors to find out what really does make the difference to the effectiveness of getting pages discovered and ranked by the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

As I have applied these techniques to my own websites, they now all rank in the top 2% of all web sites on the planet (according to Alexa), meaning that I receive thousands of unique targeted visitors every day which is the aim of every internet marketer. But even better, I don’t pay a penny in advertising or PPC fees. All of this traffic is organic search engine traffic which is entirely FREE!

I’m convinced that 95% of web site owners don’t do this and they are missing out big-time!

I’ll give you my simple SEO techniques, that you can apply to any web page, in a nutshell:

Firstly, the information is for people who are looking for your information, so:

1. Decide what your page is all about;

2. Determine what 4 or 5 words or phrases summarize what your page is about;

3. Single out the most important word or phrase as your keyword or key phrase;

4. Use your keyword or phrase at the very beginning of the page content;

5. In an average 400 – 500 word page or article use the key word 3 times;

6. Use your other key words or phrases as appropriate throughout the content;

7. Ensure your content reads properly and makes sense to your human readers.

Secondly you must keep the search engines in mind and use META tags even though it is said by some that search engines take little account of them:

1. Your ‘Title’ tag must include your main keyword and one secondary key-phrase;

2. Your ‘Description’ tag should include three of your keywords or phrases in a legible sentence because that is often what appears on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP);

3. Your ‘Keywords’ tag should include all four or five of your keywords, comma separated;

4. Your on-page title or header should be wrapped in H1 tags and be the same as your main keyword.

If you apply these simple SEO techniques to your own web pages, you should find they eventually perform much better with the search engines. SEO is so important because most Internet users highly value the results of search engines and are likely to only visit to ranking websites when they search for a particular keyword or phrase.

Internet users rely on search engines to serve the most relevant content first and are therefore not likely to visit websites which do not appear on the first or second page of search results.

This means that those websites which rank well are receiving a great deal of free promotion from search engines that place their website in a key position in the SERPs. Website owners who do not invest the time into optimizing their websites miss out on a great deal of potential web traffic.

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