Make Money Online AUTOMATION SERPAssist Review – The Software That Automates Internet Marketing

SERPAssist Review – The Software That Automates Internet Marketing

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SERPAssist Review

“This is the automation software for internet marketers, that works extremely well”

This exciting new software is called SERPAssist and takes care of automating all of your marketing needs and backlink creation… yes, at the drop of a hat, or press of a button, as hard as it may seem.

Imagine for just one minute:

  • Automatic Email Account Creation!
  • Automatic WEB 2.0 Account Creation!
  • Automatic Content Submission!
  • 100% Success rate on most occasions!
  • No more babysitting of the accounts like with other services!
  • No more manually having to go back and edit things.
  • A piece of software that actually does what it says it will do!
  • 200 FREE proxies included each month!
  • Glowing reviews!
  • Something that works!

How does it work?

SERPAssist uses a “service-based” model to automate the creation of accounts, posting content to sites, pinging URLs, and pretty much everything to implement your SEO strategy.

What this means is, SERPAssist (the client software running on your desktop) submits all your tasks to a central server (called SACentral). SACentral then processes the requests (i.e. executes the task) to completion. SERPAssist then polls SACentral for status on the tasks.

As jobs complete, SERPAssist will report this to you and update your user interface with the results.

Using a service-based model means SERPAssist boasts a virtual 100% success rate for all the tasks you submit.

This is pretty different from the competition and will take a bit of getting used to.

However, I think you’ll like the results!

Please note this is not a spam submission tool. You still need to create brilliant content from the outset, and that part of marketing is key to success. All this tool does is allow you to submit the content faster.

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