Make Money Online SEO Search Engine Optimization and SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization and SEO Services

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Search engine optimization and seo services can be costly, as as a result some try to do their own seo. I write here about the 2nd and 3rd rules of self – managed search engine optimization and seo services, according to my opinion,

Rule 2 for search engine optimization and seo services: What is your Keyword?

The second basic rule is to help the search engine by letting it know what your keyword is. I say ‘keyword’ advisedly since you should have one keyword per page if possible. It is stated by many SEO experts that spiders do not bother with Meta keyword tags, but they are wrong. The spiders do look at them as an indication of the content of the page, and then they go on to draw their own conclusions. It is a proven fact (because I have done it) that if you run two identical websites, that with meta tags in the html always ranks while that without cannot be seen in Google’s listings.

Rule 3 for search engine optimization and seo services: Get Back-links

The third basic rule is to get as many incoming one way back links as you can. The best way to get these is through submission of articles to article directories. You are allowed to include your URL in these articles, and people who ant more information can click on your link and visit your site. However this is not part of search engine optimization. What makes it so is that each article provides a link back to your site from the directory. In addition, if people copy your article for their own website, they must include your details including your website URL.

This provides you with a one way link back to your website from every site that uses your article. This is powerful stuff, and can make a tremendous difference to your listing on Google and Yahoo. Links are so important that websites can appear on Google’s first page for specific search terms on the basis of their links alone. Some have no content whatsoever but long lists of links.

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