Make Money Online MOBILE MARKETING Real Estate Agents Only – New Marketing Tool That Is Causing A Buzz In The Real Estate Industry

Real Estate Agents Only – New Marketing Tool That Is Causing A Buzz In The Real Estate Industry

Real Estate Agents Only – New Marketing Tool That Is Causing A Buzz In The Real Estate Industry post thumbnail image

Every 10 to 20 years there will be some major advancement in technology that is a game changer. 20 years ago email was the craze with all of us flocking to our computers setting up email accounts and communicating with family, friends and business clients.

Today the same thing is happening again with Text Messaging. It’s been around and most people have heard of text messaging although they may not have actually texted.

Let me put the power of text messaging in perspective for you. We all can agree that in our life time the internet is without a doubt the greatest technological advancement any of us has seen. There are 2 billion computers worldwide… that is truly impressive. Now let me share this fact with you there are over 4 billion mobile phones worldwide that means there are more than twice as many phones as computers. Text Messaging is on the verge of becoming larger than the internet!

On these phones we send over 52,000 text messages a second and our phone has become an extension of our hand (literally). We sleep with our phone, we go to the bathroom with our phone and if we leave the house and forget our phone we’ll turn around and go get it!

Here is the power of text messaging 97% text messages are read, 83% within the first hour. For the real estate agent that mean instant communication can be attained with all your clients interested in a listing immediately.

Face it traditional advertising is not as effective as it once was. TV is expensive and consumers TiVo their favorite shows skipping commercials. Radio is difficult to track, Newspaper readership is down and newspapers are going out of business daily. Direct mail and hard copy print have extremely low response rates something like 1 to 2% and get this 60% of Yellow Page phone books are thrown away before the plastic cover is taken off.

With a mobile media product real estate agents can have a tool that allows them to communicate instantly with their customers and prospects on the item they carry with them 24/7… their mobile phone. For real estate agents – if you are not communicating via mobile, you are not communicating effectively with today’s consumers.

I hope this information has shown the power and benefits of having a mobile media marketing campaign implemented in your advertising model. Many agents across the country have benefited from this outstanding new technology.

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