Make Money Online SEO Rank Math SEO Plugin Tutorial Hindi | Install and Best Setup Rank Math 2021

Rank Math SEO Plugin Tutorial Hindi | Install and Best Setup Rank Math 2021

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Rank Math SEO Plugin Tutorial Hindi | Install and Best Setup Rank Math 2021

If you’re looking for an SEO plugin for your WordPress site, then you may have come across Rank Math. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to install and set up Rank Math to get the most out of it.

What is Rank Math?

Rank Math is a free WordPress SEO plugin that was created by the team behind MyThemeShop. It’s designed to help you improve your website’s SEO and rank higher in search engines like Google.

It’s packed with features that make it easy to optimize your website for better search engine ranking. For example, it includes an SEO analysis tool that helps you identify areas of your site that need improvement. It also has built-in support for Google AMP andSchema markup.

Installing Rank Math

To install Rank Math, head over to the Plugins section of your WordPress dashboard and click Add New. Then, search for “Rank Math” in the plugin repository and install the plugin. Once it’s installed and activated, you’ll see a new menu item labeled “Rank Math” in your dashboard sidebar.

Click on it to access the plugin’s settings page. The first thing you’ll see is a welcome message from the plugin author, Syed Balkhi of MyThemeShop. Click on the “Get Started” button to continue.

The next screen will ask you to choose which type of website you have. Rank Math supports both single-site and multi-site installations of WordPress. Once you’ve made your selection, click on the “Continue” button. You’ll be asked to enter your email address so that theplugin can send you occasional updates about new features and changes. After entering your email address, click on the “Install & Activate” button.You’ll be redirected back to the main settings page where you can now begin configuring the plugin for your website.

General Settings

The first thing you need to do is configure the general settings for Rank Math. To do this, click on the “General Settings” tab at the top of the screen (it should be selected by default). Here, you can choose whether or not to enabled advanced features such as Open Graph meta tags and sitemaps. We recommend leaving all of these options enabled so thatRank Math can provide you with all the features it has to offer. However, if you’re not comfortable with using these features or if you don’t think you need them, then feel free to disable them here.
Once you’re done reviewing these options, scroll down a bit further and take a look at the Site Identity section. Here, you can enter your site name and description which will be used in various places such as your sitemap and social media sharing buttons (if enabled).

Title Settings & Meta Settings Sections
In order to fully optimize your website for better search engine ranking, it’s important that you pay attention to both your Title Settings and Meta Settings sections in Rank Math’s settings area

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