Make Money Online CRAIGSLIST Ramp Up Your MLM Lead Generation Fast With This Tactic Today

Ramp Up Your MLM Lead Generation Fast With This Tactic Today

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There are very very few methods when it comes to MLM lead generation that you can read about and see leads from in 30 minutes. Actually I can’t think of a single one, because they all take a big learning curve or a lot of money.

When I was new I would always think,”If I could generate just 15 to 20 leads a day I could build a large downline fast…”

My point is you don’t have be a internet marketing guru to get to that level, all you have to do is find a fast and effective technique and do it till your fingers bleed!

The method I’m referring to is Free Classifieds…

Now before I start hearing all the booing, just stick with me here.

I’ve personally generated over 20+ leads a day with this very method.

I won’t lie and say it was easy, but it was very simple.

Here is exactly how you can do it for yourself…

First, make sure you know how to write sales copy, if you don’t, go read the copy writers handbook by David Bly and learn it!

Second, have a separate sales funnel with capture page that is unique to the classified postings your doing.

After that choose the classified sites you want to dominate. I would start with Craigslist, Back Page, Intetgiant, Us Free Ads and Kijiji

Post in one area first, don’t switch until you have at least 2 weeks of consistent effort. I would start in the business for sale or sales jobs area.

You can also be creative and try others…

In my experience the more detailed you are with the benefits and descriptions of your offer the better click-through you will get to your website.

To save time just grab the same classified ad you wrote for Craigslist and paste them to the other sites one by one.

Doing this requires massive habit!

And by massive, your going to have to post for 4 hrs everyday for a couple weeks till you find out what works, then you can ratchet it down to a couple hours a day.

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