Make Money Online MOBILE MARKETING Prolonged Relationship With Social Media

Prolonged Relationship With Social Media

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Over the past 5 years marketers have seen an explosion in the use of the internet and smartphones by the potential customers and audiences they are trying to reach with their message and advertising. The use of these devices by consumers has lead to the genesis of what savvy marketers are calling MoSoLoCo or Mobile, Social, Local, Commerce, which is the combined force of all of these different elements in the way modern consumers perceive a company’s presence and make decisions about whether or not they require their products or services.

One interesting development in the world of modern advertisement and marketing in the age of the smart phone is the ability for the marketer to draw the customer and potential customer into a prolonged relationship with the brand, and by way of that the brand’s marketing material.

This is can be accomplished in a number of different ways by an experienced MoSoLoCo team. One of the most obvious (and the most affordable) is the development of a Facebook business page (or a business page on any other relevant social networking site.) Once the page is established and a fan base is built up (the building of the fan base is the difficult part and one of the reasons it is so critical that a qualified team is put on the job, otherwise it could take a terribly long time or simply never happen) it is possible for the brand to post relevant news about new products or research pertaining to its line of business, as well as other bits of information that are just for fun.

In addition to these relationship building activities, these social networking business pages can be used to run contests and customer-participation based games that offer customers discounts or free products and services. Nothing gets a potential, or repeat, customer involved with your brand like the opportunity to score some free stuff.

With a good MoSoLoCo team at your side, it is now possible for your company to leverage all of these social media platforms along with the many other modern avenues of information dissemination to give your brand (or brands) greater exposure in the marketplace while also creating a more lasting and positive impression on the customers you seek within it. But don’t go bounding ahead with Facebook page without first rallying your troops and making sure you have a rock solid strategy as these tools, however powerful and effective, are not easy to leverage effectively and require a broad scope of activities to be properly harnessed.

That said, there can be no more question that MoSoLoCo is the future and that those who aren’t on the bus soon will soon find themselves standing in the dust, left behind.

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