Make Money Online TRAFFIC GENERATION Pinterest Ads Strategy for E-commerce Stores

Pinterest Ads Strategy for E-commerce Stores

Pinterest Ads Strategy for E-commerce Stores post thumbnail image

As a business owner, you know that to compete in the digital age, your e-commerce store needs to be visible on all the major platforms where potential customers are searching for products like yours. And with over 175 million monthly active users, it’s hard to ignore the power of Pinterest when it comes to online visibility.

The good news is that unlike some other platforms, Pinterest is very easy to use for marketing purposes, especially if you’re running an e-commerce store. In this article, we’ll give you a crash course on how to use Pinterest ads for your e-commerce business so you can start driving traffic and sales today.

Why Use Pinterest Ads for Ecommerce?

If you’re not already using Pinterest as part of your marketing mix, you may be wondering why you should bother. After all, it’s just a place where people share pretty pictures, right?

Wrong. As it turns out, people use Pinterest for much more than just finding pretty things to look at. In fact, over 75% of pins are saved because they represent something the user wants to buy or do in the future. That makes Pinterest an incredibly powerful platform for driving both awareness and sales for e-commerce businesses.

What’s more, since most users access Pinterest from their mobile phones (82%), it’s also a great way to reach potential customers who are searching on the go. And since mobile shoppers are typically more engaged and have higher conversion rates than desktop shoppers, that’s a big plus.

Finally, unlike some other social media platforms (cough, Facebook), people actually enjoy seeing ads on Pinterest. In fact, over half of Pinners say they’ve discovered new brands or products on the platform thanks to ads. So if you want your e-commerce store to be seen by potential customers who are open to discovery,Pinterest is a great place to be.

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