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PhoneGap Application Development Services Improve Customer Experience Management

PhoneGap Application Development Services Improve Customer Experience Management post thumbnail image

Do you know out of every 26 unhappy customers, 1 complains? What happens to the rest. They simply quit the business or service provider. And in the digital world, it starts with abandoning the business app. With just a tap, the app slips into the recycle bin, and the business opportunity to a competitor.

Today, it’s not only essential for businesses to reach out to their target customers, but also to deliver them the best customer experience (CX) while doing so. They need to adopt the customer-first approach. With a bid to make it happen, energize their business operations and enable their people stay responsive to the needs of consumers, entrepreneurs are resorting to mobile applications. The sweeping impact of mobility solution is not hidden anymore. Top 25% of small and medium businesses admit doubling of the revenue with the adoption of the right solution. And citing the craze of users to engage with their brands using mobile phones, it should not evoke any surprise.

Getting a mobile app built is not a difficult task as there is no limit to the availability of number of app development frameworks and companies in the world. However, if you are planning to go the extra mile in terms of customer experience then first find the right mobile app development company. There is no shortcut applicable. You need to review quotations received, read between the lines of their terms and conditions, take note of the pros and cons of their past projects, and do a lot of brainstorming. However, while inking a deal with it, you must not forget to ask for a cross-platform app using PhoneGap app development framework.

A PhoneGap app promises a native and uniform digital experience to users across devices that they use. It brings the fundamental elements of web technologies, viz., HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript at the disposal of a PhoneGap app developer. It also has a rich repository of plugins required to add platform-specific functionalities to an app. Plugins enable an app to take advantage of the device’s features like accelerometer, camera, compass, file system, microphone, and many more, and add value to the app. Being an open source development framework, available under Apache Cordova, Version 2.0, PhoneGap keeps on receiving advanced plug-ins and updates from its growing community members.

Apart from CX management, PhoneGap mobile app development incurs a low development cost and asks for a low maintenance budget. An app developer doesn’t need to create multiple APIs for different OS platforms. One app built, change or security patch can be replicated/applied across all in a quick and easy manner leveraging GitHub, a cloud-based source code management repository. Startups and small businesses can benefit immensely from it as they can keep a check on their rising TCO (total cost of ownership) budget and, interestingly, without compromising with their market reach and quality of customer experience. A PhoneGap-powered app exhibits compatibility with all mobile operating systems from iOS to Android to Windows Phone and more.

Thus, going with the PhoneGap app development framework means keeping the doors of scalability and flexibility opened, which is a must to cope with the emerging needs of a business.

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