Make Money Online MOBILE MARKETING Mobile Web Sites- Mobile Advertising and Marketing

Mobile Web Sites- Mobile Advertising and Marketing

Mobile Web Sites- Mobile Advertising and Marketing post thumbnail image

Almost everyone has a smartphone these days. In fact, as of January 2018, 77 percent of Americans own one. And that number is only going to continue to grow. So, with such a large percentage of the population using these devices, it’s no surprise that businesses are now starting to focus more on mobile advertising and marketing than ever before.

However, simply creating a mobile version of your website is not enough. You also need to make sure that your site is optimized for mobile devices and that your mobile ads are effective. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

1. Make sure your site is responsive

One of the most important things you can do to ensure your site is ready for mobile users is to make sure it is responsive. This means that your site will adjust itself automatically to fit the screen size of whatever device it is being viewed on. This is important because people use a variety of different devices to access the internet these days, from smartphones and tablets to laptops and desktop computers. If your site isn’t responsive, then it will be very difficult for people to view it properly on their mobile devices. As a result, they are likely to simply leave and go somewhere else.

2. Use shorter forms

When you’re creating forms for people to fill out on your website, it’s important to keep them short. People are much less likely to fill out lengthy forms on their mobile devices than they are on a desktop computer. So, if you want people to actually fill out your forms, make sure they are short and sweet. Just ask for the bare minimum amount of information you need in order to get the job done.

3. Use large buttons

Another important thing to keep in mind when designing your website for mobile devices is that people will be using their fingers instead of a mouse or trackpad when they interact with it. This means that you need to make sure your buttons are big enough so that people can easily press them without accidentally clicking on something else. No one wants to have to constantly zoom in and out just to be able to press the right button. So, make life easy for your users and use large buttons throughout your site.

4. Use icons instead of text

When you’re designing buttons or links, try using icons instead of text wherever possible. Icons are much easier for people to understand quickly than text is, especially when they’re trying to view your site on a small screen such as a smartphone. So, if you want people to be able to easily find what they’re looking for on your site, use icons wherever possible instead of text labels..

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