Make Money Online LEAD GENERATION MLM Lead Generation – The Lifeblood Of Your Business

MLM Lead Generation – The Lifeblood Of Your Business

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When it comes to leads, business is pretty much business. An MLM business is just like a traditional business. We all need leads. Even if your business is based on repeat business, if you want it to grow, you need new customers. There are lots of ways to generate MLM leads. Some are worthwhile, some are not.

When you first join an MLM company, your direct upline – the person who signed you up – will tell you to make a list of 100 people you can talk to about your new business. Since I’m an advocate of Attraction Marketing, I’m going to tell you this is a waste of time, right? Wrong. Is this the best use of your MLM lead generation time? Maybe not, but you could get some of these people to join your business. Maybe they will become customers; you need them too. But just as important at this point, it gives you a way to practice talking about your Network Marketing company. And you will need the practice. Take advantage of this opportunity.

There are 2 major categories of MLM leads generation. Off line and online. The majority of MLM companies will make an attempt to teach you how to do your prospecting off line. There are 4 kinds of off line lead generation.

1) Pitching to friends and family. The good news here is that this is a warm market. You are likely to survive. I’m kidding a little, but this may be a good place to start if you’re nervous.

2) Pitching colleagues and anyone else who will listen. I have seen this degenerate into accosting people on the street or in coffee shops. Not the most efficient method.

3) Purchasing MLM leads. This can be expensive and time consuming. But if you like working on the phone, you may do OK with it.

4) Becoming involved in business networking events. This is not going to happen fast, but this is a pretty good source. You must develop relationships with your fellow networkers, and you must give as good as you get. It is also a good source of leads for your MLM company’s products. Don’t forget about needing customers.

These methods are known as traditional MLM lead generation methods. Can an MLM business be built this way? Absolutely. It has been done over and over though the years in this industry. But failure rates are high, and times have changed. There are more efficient ways to find qualified MLM leads. You can thank your computer and its internet connection for this. If you are building something, you can use manual tools or you can use power tools. The new way is better.

The new way to generate MLM leads is called Attraction Marketing. Using the proper tools on the internet, you become attractive to people who need to improve their financial situation. These people are not necessarily looking to get into their own business. They are looking to get out of the situation they find themselves in. That the problem they have. You are attractive because you can help them solve this problem. The proper tool is a good Attraction Marketing System. This is really an MLM lead generation system. Such a system will show you how to generate organic MLM leads with video marketing, article marketing, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and much more. The good news is most of these targeted leads are free, and you will be able to generate income from people who do not join your business. Master Attraction Marketing and the best of traditional marketing and become wealthy.

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