Make Money Online TRAFFIC GENERATION Methods of Getting Free Traffic

Methods of Getting Free Traffic

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A Business builds a website to create an online presence. The goal of many business owners is getting free traffic for their websites. There are several methods on how you can get free traffic for your website.

The first is article marketing. This is considered to be one of the best and most effective method for getting free traffic for your website. All you need to do us sign up with different article directories and submission sites and write good quality articles about your niche. Make sure to link it back to your website. To successfully submit your articles, it is important to properly follow the directories and submission sites guidelines or your articles will not get accepted.

Blog Commenting is another excellent method of generating free traffic. This is especially intended for those who find it difficult to write longer articles. To start with, you simply need to find a blog related to your niche and then leave good related comments within the comment section of the blog. The technique here is to write a relevant comment, something catchy so that people will be motivated to click on your link.

Forum Posting is also a fast way of getting traffic on your website. To do this, you can find a forum on your niche, post a topic or question and of course, don’t forget about leaving your website link. You also need to comment and leave a reply on the forum posting of other people that are relevant with your link. The most important thing that you should remember is to make sure that everything you do is good quality and relevant, both to your link and to the forum.

The use of social media is another very popular and widely used method of getting more traffic into your website. Social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook are the two most commonly used because they have a lot of active users making it effective for advertising and website promotion. Millions of people use these sites everyday and both have become the hunting ground for many other affiliate marketers. These sites receive a huge amount of traffic so make sure to make use of this. The key is to remain social there, don’t try to sell, simply redirect them to your site in a tactful way.

With these and other proven strategies, getting free traffic is possible. You don’t have to spend to get traffic. You just have to do the right things. These methods alone will bring more visitors and then you need to fine tune your conversions.

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