Make Money Online ADVERTISING Marketing Through YouTube

Marketing Through YouTube

Marketing Through YouTube post thumbnail image

Every month approximately 2.7 billion people visit YouTube looking for information on health, finances, social issues etc, Since a video media is much more interactive compared to Text search like Google or ping (Microsoft’s search engine) – more people are shifting to YouTube Search and other video media.

So the question is how can I market on YouTube?

The answer is to provide a matchmaking service by providing solutions to the problem, an individual who is surfing a video media channel is either searching for entertainment or looking for products and solutions which people have already posted on YouTube.

Few pointers to keep in mind while posting your video on YouTube:

1) Content – It is important that the content that is provided is top quality, in order for our marketing campaign to be successful, the video should have content which is compelling,entertaining, and absorbing, if you’re YouTube-post does not attract your attention nobody is going to watch it. Also it is important that the content is specific to your product or your website and that the content promotes and enhances your product or website.

2) It is also important that file size is limited to less than 10 minutes; the marketing campaign video should be short, crisp, to the point and attention grabbing.

3) It is important that the keyword that you want (the keyword people will be using to search through Google and YouTube) is used in Headline of article and also in the file that you will be using to submit to the YouTube.

4) Use wherever humor possible, humor is a sure shot way to get people attention. Some of the most successful channels and videos have their online fame just because of the Humor aspect.

5) Have attention grabbing headlines, Headlines that generates curiosity, Notice the trends on YouTube and try to follow those trends to be successful. If you follow above video marketing tips you should be on your way to a successful marketing campaign.

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