Make Money Online CRAIGSLIST Making Money With Storage Unit Auctions

Making Money With Storage Unit Auctions

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Do you want to know where the real money is being made with auctions? Have you wondered where to get some great items that you can sell for a huge profit? There are such things as storage unit auctions and just about every single set of storage units holds an auction at least once a month. These are great for stocking your eBay store or for selling the items on craigslist. Here is how to do it.

First, you need to find the storage auctions in your area. You can do this by searching online or just contacting the companies and asking to be put on their mailing list. Make sure you also contact all the auctioneers in your area, too, because they will be the ones that conduct the auctions so they will know about them as well.

Next, you need to attend one of these auctions with a few hundred dollars on you to possibly purchase a space. Most of these auctions will go as follows: the auctioneer will lead you around the spaces that are up for auctions and they will open the door. Sometimes there is very little or even nothing in them, but most of the time there are quite a few items in the space. You get to take a look inside, but you cannot touch or move anything.

A flashlight will come in handy and do not be afraid to get on your knees or on the ground to look under things. Now you have to assess what you saw and decide what the maximum you are willing to bid is. You might see a bed, an end table, a computer, and a few other items you know you can sell and you might be pretty sure youc an get about $200 out of them. This might mean that you are willing to bid as much as $100 or so for the space.

The bidding will usually start low and if anybody bids it will go up quickly. Sometimes nobody bids and you can get the entire space for the minimum bid. This happened to me when I first started out.

It was a smaller space, but there was a mattress and box springs that were in OK shape and a mirror that I could see. Everybody passed by and nobody bid so I bid the minimum of $10 on the space. The bed sold in a garage sale for $9, the mirror for $25, and there was a bag full of unopened, name brand makeup in the space. I sold it all on eBay and I ended up making well over $100 from the things in that space.

Sure there were some junk items and some clothing I could not sell, but by donating everything I had left to Goodwill I was also able to get a tax deduction along with making well over $100 in profits from this small space. This is how you can profit from storage unit auctions.

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