Make Money Online BUILDING WEBSITES Making Money By Selling Products Online

Making Money By Selling Products Online

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You cannot make money, online or offline, unless you have something to sell, thus figuring out what that ‘thing’ shall be your first step. There are many things you can sell online, from digital products to physical items. Many people think about things that they enjoy or have a passion for when they are trying to start an online business.

For instance, if you are an avid collector of fridge magnet, why not get into the business of that? I have a friend who attended the same Internet Seminar with me a few years ago who are now successful in her online business, using fridge magnet as the base.

Another example, if you are a good proofreader or a certified translator, you could offer proofreading or translating services. The list of possible things that can be sold online is huge. Let us examine some of the different kinds of things one can sell online in order to build a successful online business.


When we say physical products, they are actually any tangible thing that a customer purchases from you. While the list of possible physical products could go on and on, a few examples of physical products for sale can include but not limited to thumb drives, stickers, books, t-shirts, shoes, cookware, electronic gadgets, dresses and others.

There are many different companies selling physical products that are highly successful. People enjoy being able to click a button and purchase things that they want without having to leave their homes. This is one reason sites like eBay are so popular; individuals are able to find the things they want at cheaper prices.


In this category, there is a huge industry of non-physical products when it comes to online businesses. People are able to sell things without having to stock items, or ship anything to the customer. This is because the customer receives it immediately. Informational products are one massive part of this industry, and can mean anything from self-help e-Books to audio books, to guide on how to build things and much more.

Just a few examples of non-physical products include but limited to PIN numbers for refillable mobile phones, software, and pre-made website banners or logos. Non-physical products definitely have an advantage over physical products when it comes to delivering the product to the customer.


Another thing one can sell online is a service of some sort. There are hordes of freelancers who do this online every single day. For example, freelance writers, website builders and even flash programmers are working online providing a service and getting paid for their work.

There are other kinds of services one can sell online and it could be anything from proofreading manuscripts to selling insurance, will writing, vacation spots, and much more.

Selling a service online can be beneficial because many times there is an existing company that you can work for in order to sell those things. This means that you won’t have to start your business from scratch and do not have to come up with the money up front that most people need to start a business.


Before you can build an online business, you will need to determine exactly what do you want to sell. Use your interests, passions, or hobbies to guide you as you choose from physical products, non-physical products, or services.

There are unique advantages and disadvantages of each type of product you can sell online, thus you will want to take these into account as well. Once you have determined what you want to sell, you can move on to setting up your own online business. As for me, I choose to run my Internet business by writing and selling e-Book.

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