Make Money Online MAKE MONEY ONLINE Make Money Online – Opportunity Vs Business

Make Money Online – Opportunity Vs Business

Make Money Online – Opportunity Vs Business post thumbnail image

So you’re wanting to make money online? But are you looking for easy money (which doesn’t exist) or are you looking to put in some work and be rewarded for it? In other words, are you an opportunist or a business owner?

What is an opportunity?

Opportunities are when you buy into a person’s or a company’s money making system and you will follow their system to make you money – and the opportunity owner.  

Opportunity seekers are looking for easy money and will go out of their way to find such a system. 

Of course I don’t know even quarter of the opportunities which exist out there and I am sure that there are some very legitimate ones and people are making some very nice incomes. It’s just that you don’t know what you are letting yourself in for in the first place and it could be a scam, not what you were looking for or that you hate following their system so you opt-out and you have wasted your initial investment. 

What is an online business? 

An online business is where you have total control over, you keep all the profits and you work at your own speed. 

The first thing you need to do is find a niche where you will be happy working in, a one which you know a lot about and that you can help other people with your expertise in that area. 

You then need to find a business and marketing model to suit you – not Jon Henry’s system because you know he is making $10,000 a month with it. Stop following people and choose a one that suits you. 

My advice would be to research very carefully and choose a system what works best for you and your family life. This is the ‘step 1’ that nearly everyone (and how to ebooks) misses out. 

Do you want to know how I chose my own internet business model?

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