If you’re looking to build a list for your business, you should definitely creating some sort of free gift to use as an incentive to get people to opt-in to your list. You must have a free product – a free report, a free ecource, a free newsletter, free videos or a combination of a few of these to get the best results for your squeeze page.
So which free gift is the best kind of gift to giveaway to subscribers and to get more subscribers into your list? I will do my best in this article to answer this question based on my personal experience with list building. And I have a list nearing 30,000 subscribers, so I do know my stuff when it comes to lead generation.
Ok, in the old days, several years ago, a newsletter was the in thing. You could get away by just giving away a free subscription to a newsletter to get more people to opt-in to your list. These days, newsletters are a dime a dozen, so you need to give people more if you want them to give away their contact details.
The best kind of free gift I have found to be the best for generating leads is the free report or free ebook. This kind of gift always generates the best results. If you want to spruce up your subscription, add in a free ecourse or newsletter as well. Combined with hard-hitting benefits, this combination will create insane conversions for your squeeze page and build you a list much faster.