Make Money Online LEAD GENERATION Link Building That Works: 5 Link Building Strategies

Link Building That Works: 5 Link Building Strategies

Link Building That Works: 5 Link Building Strategies post thumbnail image

A few years back, link building was all about getting as many backlinks as possible. Today, it’s a different game. If you want to have a link building strategy, keep in mind that you can’t create a lot of links in a few hours or days. The authority of the websites plays an important role as far as search engine rankings are concerned. In this article, we are going to talk about a few link building strategies. Read on to find out more.

1. Guest Blogging

Today, an increasing number of marketers are companies are creating blogs with their websites. There is no doubt that blogging offers a lot of benefits. According to the reports from HubSpot, blogs generate as many as 97% more backlinks and 55% more visitors. In the same way, guest blogging has gained immense popularity in the world of blogging.

2. Directory submission

On the internet, there are many link directories. They can help you promote your personal or business site. Most of these directories have a lot of categories and each category is dedicated to a specific niche.

Although Google has changed its algorithm, direction submissions can still work to your advantage. if you want to have an edge over your competitors, you can submit quality articles to these directories to get backlinks. For instance, you can submit articles to UMDUM, which is a reliable article directory.

3. Infographics

Infographics are important for building links. The good thing about this strategy is that it can help you generate a lot of organic traffic for your blog. According to statistics, infographics can help you generate at least 30% more backlinks than a regular blog post. In fact, visual content must be part of all the blog posts that you publish.

4. Social Media Sites

Social media websites have brought a revolution in the world of marketing. if you don’t create your business social media pages, you are not doing justice to your backlink campaigns. So, what you need to do is share images, new posts, and updates.

5. Resource Links From websites

Lastly, you should use resource links from some trusted websites. Generally, it’s a type of guide that you make for your visitors. It will help generate a lot of quality links for your site. Some of these websites include Copyblogger, Social Media Examiner, Jeff Bullas, Huffington Post and Forbes, to name a few.

In short, these are some of the link building strategies that do work if you take the right steps. Hope this helps.

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