Make Money Online CONTENT TRAFFIC Let's Ban Content Marketing

Let's Ban Content Marketing

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It's no secret that content marketing has been on the rise in recent years. As digital marketers, we're all too familiar with the term "content is king." But what happens when content becomes so ubiquitous that it starts to lose its luster?

That's where the idea of a ban on content marketing comes in.

Now, before you start throwing things at your screen, hear us out. We're not saying that all content marketing should be banned. Far from it, in fact. Content marketing can be an extremely effective way to reach your target audience and build relationships with customers.

However, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. When everyone and their mother is doing content marketing, it becomes difficult to stand out from the crowd. Additionally, poorly executed content can do more harm than good.

That's why we propose a ban on certain types of content marketing that have become all too common and are no longer effective. Here are four types of content marketing that we think should be banned:

1. Clickbait Headlines

We've all seen them before: headlines that are designed solely to get clicks without actually providing any valuable information. You know the type: "You Won't Believe What This Dog Did!" or "You Won't Believe What This Celeb Said!"

Clickbait headlines are frustrating because they almost always disappoint. The article (if you can even call it that) rarely lives up to the hype of the headline, leaving you feeling angry and cheated.

What clickbait headlines do succeed in doing is driving up pageviews and click-through rates for the websites that use them. But at what cost? The long-term damage to your brand's reputation isn't worth the short-term gains in traffic.

2. Co-branded Content

Co-branded content is when two brands team up to create and promote a piece of content. For example, a clothing brand and a beauty brand might team up to produce a fashion tutorial video featuring products from both brands.

Co-branded content can be an effective way to reach new audiences and tap into existing customer bases. However, it can also be a recipe for disaster if not executed properly.

When done wrong, co-branded content comes across as forced and inauthentic. It can also make your brand look desperate if you team up with just any old brand – even if they’re not in direct competition with you – in an attempt to boost your reach and visibility

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