Power Writing
Now you might wonder if this copywriting business really is as complicated as many says it is. Well the fact of the matter is that to be good in copywriting is not a God-given gift or a genetic trait. Neither is it something mysterious or magical that can be grasped only by a fortunate few.
If you want to master the ability to create high impact powerful copy I have good news for you. This skill that can be learned. In this article I will reveal two powerful secrets that will put you on the path to becoming a professional skilled copywriter.
The Secret Of Writing Like You Talk
You’ve probably learned the importance of knowing who you are targeting. In other words ” Know thy Prospect”. And once you do you can “see” him and you immediately know how to talk to him. You know what tone and phrases to use, and what promises to make.
But if you really want to grab his attention you have to go a step further. You’ve got to speak to him in an informal and conversational way, just like you would if you were talking to a friend. You must write like you talk. Now of course that is easier said than done because this is not something they teach us in school. (Actually all through school they discourage us from writing conversationally.)
Today there is very little of it on the market and you can find it only in two places, 1) copywriting or 2) in fiction in dialogues. And even then copywriting is still the closest way people really talk. Here you never use fancy high stuffed language. You don’t have to worry about being grammatically correct or use some complicated literary device.
In fact, good effective copywriting is the furthest thing from proper formal English. Never make your copy stuffy or academic and keep the writing right at your prospect’s level. Never higher and never lower. But the most important thing is to get as close to spoken English as you possibly can.
Now since you can’t use body language it’s impossible to write exactly as you talk but you can come very close to it. In your writing you can do certain things that are equivalent to raising an eyebrow, racing your voice, pacing yourself or inflecting on a word.
So if you wanted to emphasize something particular to your prospect you could put it in italics, underline it, or CAPITALIZE it. You could even pause for a moment…….
Or skip a line.
But it isn’t enough to write like you talk. If you really want to “sell” your prospect you have to get fired up about your product and you’ve got to put that down on paper and this brings us to secret #2
The Secret Of Writing With Passion
I’m sure you have heard that the best things in life are those created with passion. Don’t you think it was passion that built the Statue of Liberty or put a man on the moon?
Without passion where is the momentum and vibrancy….
The same goes for copywriting. When you write with passion your words will carry more meaning, your copy will have a certain exuberance to it and your ideas will be more clear and compelling. And your voice will be richer, stronger and a lot more convincing.
Better yet, your energy will carry over to your prospect. Not only will he get pumped up about your product but he’ll want to send YOU his hard earned money. Fail to write with passion, and you’ll put your reader to sleep or even worse you’ll lose the sale.
So Passion rules.
But one thing to keep in mind is you can’t “make up” passion. You have to actually feel the passion about whatever it is you are selling. A way of doing this is to list all the good qualities of your product and start getting excited about it.
You’ll know when that happens because you’ll want to tell everyone about it and you’ll start to naturally “selling ” it to people you meet in casual conversation. You must develop your own internal passion for your product even if it’s just a temporary passion that dissipates after you’ve finished writing the sales letter.
When you can write informally and passionately you’ll be well on on the path to becoming a professional skilled copywriter.